Big News!

I've mentioned several times how amazing this year has been for us. It's been weird to see God moving and opening amazing doors for us in the midst of such an otherwise sad and crazy year. Today I finally get to share what I mean by that.

We have been connected to a ministry called metro world child through our home church for years. Last year we went to New York City to see what they do and participated in their Christmas outreach.We thought possibly that would be the direction we would go but the timing wasn't right. My hearts cry has always been children's ministry and we've always felt that would be a big part of our ministry in Peru. Until this year we just haven't had peace or direction about where to start. A few months ago Jose got to speak to the founder of metro world child and he asked us to consider leading metro in Latin America. 

We took 40 days to pray and fast about it and felt God give us the green light. This is a huge task and it's not going to be without it's challenges but I am beyond excited to announce we will be stepping into this ministry. We are launching a pilot this year in Piura, and hope to branch out to Lima, the mountains and the jungle, then to other parts of Latin America. Last year we were able to send teams into 70 schools and reach a large part of Piura. But we didn't have the teams or resources to go back on a regular basis. The majority of the schools want us to go in once a week to work with their kids. Our plan is to raise up several teams that can go into the schools and neighborhoods once a week. We want to have a consistent presence in the schools to be able to share the gospel and build relationships in our community. 

In order for this to be successful we need financial partners. As I write this I'm praying that the right people will read this and will choose to be a part of our ministry. If that is you we have multiple ways you can give.

If you would like to give a tax deductible donation you can do so through this link click here to give    

You can also give through


Venmo @KatJoseLopez


Please let me know if you would like to give monthly or one time we have multiple goals financially and want to make sure we budget correctly. We can help with reminders if you want to give monthly. Also let us know if you want to sponsor or co-sponsor a school so we can make sure you receive specific updates. 

Honestly any amount will help us reach our goal. Thank you for partnering with us to bring metro world child to Latin America and impact the entire continent for Jesus! 



  1. 💛💛💛 oh man Benjamin and I are so pumped about this! He’s doing great things y’all, keep the good fight friends


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