Christmas time in Peru and a special team member (double header blog)

Christmas is coming and as usual we have some big plans for our community. This year we have decided to focus on one big outreach city wide on Christmas eve. We will be bringing Christmas dinner and offering to pray for over 600 people all over the city.
Our main focus will be people that are on the streets either working (Doctors, nurses, security guards, gas station attendants) or because they are homeless, also people in the hospitals either waiting to be seen or with family members that have to stay overnight. 

Here Christmas is celebrated at midnight on Christmas eve so we are planning to head out around 10pm. This has been one of our favorite holiday outreaches in the past and this year we want to invite you to be a part of it.
Each meal will cost us about $5. We aren't talking sandwiches here this is Christmas dinner. Our entire Christmas outreach goal is $3000. If you want to be a part of this you can give through this link for tax deductible giving   We also have venmo @KatJoseLopez and paypal if you prefer to give one of those ways. Just put in the memo that the gift is for the Peru Christmas outreach

During the el nino flooding. Our team took food, clothing and bedding to the most affected parts of our region

And now I would like to share something very special with you.
For several years now we have had a very crucial member of our team that we rarely talk about. This team member has always been available any hour of the day or night. Ready and willing to do everything they can to help us reach every corner of Piura. 

We all like to refer to her affectionately as "La van"
Carrying donations to our Venezuelan refugee house
She has carried people to church, and to serve projects. Most of our mission teams have spent some time in her. 

La Van behind our team and a bunch of kids we brought school supplies to 
 She could tell some stories if only she could talk.
Carrying mattresses to the refugee house

Towing the trailer for/and carrying a water well team 

El nino flood donations in bajo Piura 

full of donations
 Unfortunately La Van has come to the end of her time with us. She needs a repair which will cost about $15,000 (minimum) Though we are sad to see her go we realize that it's time to recruit a new member to the team. A member with a little more space inside and a little less miles. Thankfully we have found just that kind of van. It has been offered it to us for $15,000 the same amount as the repair on the old van. The new van is used but fits 16 people instead of 12, and is only 4 years old as opposed to 8 years old and has been driving in a place with much better roads which is a major plus.

We are believing God for His provision to purchase this beauty. If you would like to help us reach this goal to be able to continue what we are doing you can give to through venmo @KatJoseLopez our paypal or through this link tax deductible giving   Please put "Peru Van" in the memo
Could this be our newest team member? 

Thank you so much to those of you that already partner with us and continue to sow into this ministry. We would not be able to do what we do here without you. And for those of you that are just beginning to partner with us thank you too! You guys are our heroes!


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