
After talking about this the last couple weeks I've been at a bit of a loss on what to blog about next.
I received so many messages from people that were there or that went through something similar. I just want to thank you all for your outpouring of love. I'm so glad that my experience could help some of you.

I was going over some things I wrote our first year as missionaries. I was so cute, excited and shiny back then. We came to Peru when I was 28 and planted our church when I was 29. I'm 37 now. It was not that long ago. But I have been through some stuff. There have been many times that I wanted to throw in the towel. Living overseas in a culture that isn't your own is only new and exciting for so long. Not to mention Summers near the equator with no central a/c make me really sympathize with Jonah when his vine died.

Sometimes I get so focused on the things that I'm not happy about, so today I just wanted to take a moment and focus on some of the things that I am truly grateful for. I know that because of  Thanksgiving coming soon we all have our minds on gratitude. A lot of people do 30 days of Thankfulness. Some make fun or maybe feel a bit cynical about it. But the important think is to step back and think about the things we should be thankful for. I personally am exceptionally Thankful for my family this year. I know it sounds like the easy thing to say but it is what stands out the most for me. My kids are mostly awesome. Even with the older 2 being teenagers now. They haven't gotten too teenagery. My relationship with my husband is the best it's ever been. Everything with my extended family is good. I feel really blessed to have the family I have.

I have amazing friends all over the world. Each of them is so special to me and I can see how God worked to bring them into my life.

Our church here in Piura has gone through hard stuff and never quit. We have several people rising up to serve with us and they make a great team!

These are a few of mine. What are you thankful for?


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