Living on a prayer
Last week we celebrated our 10th anniversary of moving to Peru.
It's so weird to be in America while celebrating our anniversary of moving away. But, we know God is in this situation. More and more I feel sure this is where he has us right now.
This morning Jose and I were talking about everything going on. Sometimes I get concerned because of our housing situation here and our house back in Peru. We still pay bills in Peru as if we were there. But we may not be able to go back until some time next year. "Should we rent a place in the states since we may be here another year? But if we do that we have to find furniture and appliances for the house. And what about the money? We have been living on a prayer for most of our time while we have been staying in the states. Finally, what happens if the borders open but we have a contract here?" These are the thoughts I've had swirling around my head. like I said before God has always been faithful and I trust his plan. But if I'm honest I still want to have my own plan and know what's going to happen. Also, I worry a lot about what people think about us or say or do. I worry people will judge us for living at the ranch, or will think we are just relaxing and not doing what God called us to do. Can I admit that? Maybe God is trying to work on my fear of man right now.
Truthfully, Jose and I are so grateful for Jordan Ranch and the vision God gave our pastor to build it over a decade ago. Jordan Ranch was built before we left for Peru. Before we were even sure we would go. And here it is a place of refuge for us. A place where we really don't have to worry about the future. Being here has shown us the power of giving. We gave sacrificially into this vision before it was built and now God is using it as a place of refuge for us. While we have been here God has been speaking to Jose and I. He spoke to Jose which caused him to launch an international ministry along with the Peruvian guys that were stuck in the states a few months ago. (They also took refuge here for over a month) The presence of God is so tangible here I don't think it's possible to not hear from Him. We have been refreshed as we've stayed here but we've also worked very hard implementing the vision God has been planting in our hearts. We know we will return to Peru in the time that God has us returning and we are trusting Him with that. We know that God has us here right now for several reasons and while it's still a walk of faith we are so excited about the things he is showing us.
Thank you for praying for us and please continue to do so. Many people have asked so I just want to share. In Peru right now it is illegal to leave your home on Sunday. They are also prohibited from meeting in groups. Even family gatherings are still prohibited. They had started to open up and are shutting things down again. Because, though Peru has taken some of the most extreme measure to prevent contagion they are still 6th in the world for contagion and 4th in covid deaths per capita. Because people can't leave their homes on Sundays we have been live streaming our church services. Jose has been preaching on facebook and YouTube. We also have our connection groups, manchurch and youth services meet over zoom. We have seen a lot of people connecting that previously haven't. On top of that a lot of our church has mobilized and help with our serve projects. Feeding people that can't leave their homes or don't have the money to buy food. They also go out and pray outside of the hospitals every week and feed people waiting outside or on the streets. We are so proud of our church and the way they have overcome fear to get out and serve the people of our city. Even in our absence.
Thanks again for reading and for praying for us and for Peru! If you would like to give you can give a tax deductible donation here —> Give to mission Peru. We also have Venmo @Katjoselopez and PayPal Every donation goes to help us continue the work in Peru
Thanks again for reading and for praying for us and for Peru! If you would like to give you can give a tax deductible donation here —> Give to mission Peru. We also have Venmo @Katjoselopez and PayPal Every donation goes to help us continue the work in Peru
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