What's going on?
The local restrictions are in constant flux. Schools still haven't opened so we have taken metro to the streets. We have been given a lot of favor and the government is inviting us to more and more places every week.
Servolution has opened several doors for us. Last month we had a wheelchair distribution in the mountains of the region of Piura about 2 1/2 hours away from us in the city of Piura.
At that event Jose led the lieutenant Mayor to the Lord and gave him a fathers affirmation. Through those conversations he invited us to bring Metro to 16 different locations in his jursidiction. The top 5 cities represent 1000 kids we can potentially reach
3 weeks ago we began to go up to the mountains once a week to visit those 5 separate townships. Our team leaves at 4:30am every Tuesday to arrive at the first location and get set up to begin at 8. Last week when they arrived the kids were already lined up waiting to be let in to the field the government has allowed us to use. They go to the other locations and end up arriving back in Piura at 8pm.
The majority of our team members are volunteers and literally work full time to make Metro a reality here.
Luis and Juliet Ramos. Our Metro team leads. |
Thank you for your prayers and your financial support! If you would like to partner with us you can do so at this link---> donate!
you can also give through Venmo @KatJoseLopez