Metro + Hombres Alfa working together

Jose and the guys that traveled 26 hours by car with him to lead the latest Hombres Alfa retreat in Hauncayo, Peru

Jose preaching at his latest retreat
I've shared here about Metro and today I want to share how God has been putting some pieces together. Before we got the call to begin working with Metro God planted another ministry in Jose's heart. Starting last year on zoom Jose has been mentoring pastors and mens ministry leaders all over Latin America (and lately North America too). He has personally been dedicating most of his time to this ministry. Teaching classes on manhood and mentoring one on one. More than once a month he also does a retreat for these same men. He has done 4 since January and ministered to 120 men. God has surrounded him with a team that have the same heart and every week more men are drawn to this ministry. 

Baptism into their purpose
Retreat in Hauncayo 
Fathers Affirmation

One of those men is actually a member of Metro World Child. His name is Alessandro. We met him and his wife when they came to Piura to train our Metro team. He was so impacted through his conversations with Jose about Hombres Alfa International that he decided to attend the retreat Jose had planned for the next weekend. We have been in contact with them now since early march and he has fully incorporated to Hombres Alfa. He connects to all the calls and has attended more than one retreat and invited more people. A couple weeks ago he went to the Amazon jungle where they don’t even speak Spanish. This place is primitive! They don't keep track of when kids are born so they don't understand the concept of age. Nothing is formalized with things like paper work. So when a man and woman become a couple they don't get married. She just becomes his woman. Alessandro had gone one previous time with Metro. The natives harvest cocaine plants for the mafia. honestly I'm not sure how all of it works but the people that work for the mafia are well supported so they aren't prone to changing their crops. Alessandro shared the maximized manhood teachings during his visit. These men heard this for the first time and repented, received a fathers affirmation and asked forgiveness of their women.  This whole village was changed because of what God did through Metro and Hombres Alfa.
Metro kids in the mountains

These are Alessandro's words "I want to share these pictures with you from today. We had service dedicating the church in the little town of San Juan de Capiro/Masokiato. We also did the Metro program. Almost at the end God put on my heart  to call all the men forward and share the teaching of Maximized Manhood. God touched the hearts of many men and they publicly asked their wives for forgiveness for their failures and immaturity. The missionary pastor has planted dozens churches in these places and wants to hear more about Hombres Alfa and share godly manhood in these places and with the "natives"" 
Alessandro ministering to the men

A couple hugging after the man repented 

All of this is possible because of our partners in the US that have chosen to support the work we do here. None of this would have happened without those people that believe in what we are doing and choose to support it. If you would like to link up with us you can do so by donating here or through 
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