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Metro + Hombres Alfa working together

Jose and the guys that traveled 26 hours by car with him to lead the latest Hombres Alfa retreat in Hauncayo, Peru Jose preaching at his latest retreat I've shared here about Metro and today I want to share how God has been putting some pieces together. Before we got the call to begin working with Metro God planted another ministry in Jose's heart. Starting last year on zoom Jose has been mentoring pastors and mens ministry leaders all over Latin America (and lately North America too). He has personally been dedicating most of his time to this ministry. Teaching classes on manhood and mentoring one on one. More than once a month he also does a retreat for these same men. He has done 4 since January and ministered to 120 men. God has surrounded him with a team that have the same heart and every week more men are drawn to this ministry.  Baptism into their purpose Retreat in Hauncayo  Fathers Affirmation One of those men is actually a member of Metro World Child. His name is Ale...

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